Breast Cancer Awareness: Plan Ahead!

breast cancer

You’re probably thinking, “but it’s only April.” Most of us know that Breast Cancer Awareness Month occurs annually in October, but to get a jump on advertising campaigns that support this worthwhile cause, now is the time to move forward with planning ways to get your employees involved in a company-wide fundraising effort, finalizing advertising campaigns and ordering give-a-way items for your customers.

Because many of us have been touched by this disease in some way, Breast Cancer Awareness is a national effort to enable individuals and businesses all across America to get personally involved through fundraising efforts to help support groups and research. It’s a time for local and national organizations that promote breast cancer detection, treatment, patient-support and medical research to have an all-out blitz to raise the funds required to help the men and women affected by this disease. 

As members of the Duffy Marketing Services family, you may be aware of the reason Breast Cancer Awareness is so important to us. Barb Duffy, Managing Director of Duffy Marketing Services, is a 5-year breast cancer survivor. She knows firsthand the importance funding plays for every local breast cancer advocacy group, medical facility and research center that strives to educate the public, provide medical treatment and facilitate social support for those who need it. Such a worthwhile cause as Breast Cancer Awareness is an excellent way for HVAC and plumbing service companies to get involved with their own local fundraising/awareness efforts.

For example, one client registers a team each year to walk in their local 5K fundraising event. They outfit everyone in a company t-shirt, meet and walk as a group, and then the owners take the participants out for brunch when they’re finished. It’s a great team-building opportunity while helping the community, too. Some companies partner with their local breast cancer awareness group by donating a percentage of October sales to the organization. Additionally, there are numerous give-a-way items such as pens, flashlights or plungers that get the Breast Cancer Awareness message out to the public while also promoting your company in the process. 

Because of the popularity and the ease of supporting Breast Cancer Awareness, things like pink shoe covers need to be ordered now to ensure you receive them in time. Building a meaningful campaign that is successful not only for you but for any non-profit with which you may align your efforts takes careful timing and preparation, so be sure to discuss your plans with your Account Executive on your next conference call.
If you have any unique Breast Cancer Awareness marketing ideas to share that have worked for you in the past, we welcome you to post your comments or thoughts. This blog is a secure site where only the family of Duffy Marketing friends/companies/resources can access. We hope you use it as a great resource and learn from each other. We appreciate your future participation and feedback, and as always, please let us know how we can make our support better. You may contact us directly at