Should I Outsource My Social Media Marketing?

social media marketing

It’s pretty much a given that every business needs to have a social media marketing presence. If you don’t, you are missing out on a huge resource. Unfortunately, what Duffy Marketing often finds is a social media marketing campaign that has little focus and often receives little attention in the midst of day-to-day business demands.

Consider Hiring the Pros

In those situations, the best choice may be to outsource your social media marketing. It’s one of the many marketing services Duffy specializes in. In order to make a good decision, start by answering some questions:

How much time can I devote to managing social media?

For most business owners/managers the simple answer is not enough. Social media is about more than scheduling posts. It also includes:

  • Tracking your brand mentions
  • Monitoring social conversations
  • Trying new ways to grow your followers
  • Responding immediately to any inquiries.

And remember, all of this needs to happen 24/7. You can’t just set aside one or two hours a week. It requires constant attention spread over the entire week.

Can you be a social butterfly?

There is an art to being “social” on social media. It takes energy and creativity. Be honest with yourself, and if you don’t have those traits then outsource your social media marketing content. You might also consider using a professional company to compliment your content. This combined effort can make a social strategy come to life and be successful. 

Is your brand established?

Your social media voice must support and complement what your brand is. This sounds easy but it’s not. By outsourcing to a professional you can work together to find:

  • What words to use
  • What words to avoid
  • When to be funny or sarcastic
  • When to be serious
  • Calls to action

Do I already have, or do I need content?

If there is no clear answer to this question you may want to consider outsourcing your social media content. Content can include:

  • The backstory of your business
  • How and why you operate it
  • Determining the ideal customer

Let’s “Up” Your Social Media Game

Working with Duffy Marketing we can help you answer those questions and many more. It will help you determine if adding a resource or completely outsourcing your social media marketing is the best choice for you. Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about the many marketing services we offer.