The Latest In Panda A 4.0 Refresh


Recently we’ve been made aware that some of you are receiving emails stating that their websites are not Panda 4.0 compliant. While these are SPAM emails, know that we always review to address any concern. This recent change has received a lot of media coverage and has created a lot of conversation. 

We invited our partner Michael Harbron with SEOHaus to share his thoughts for this week’s blog on the recent update to Google’s Panda algorithm and its relativity to ensure your peace of mind that their web sites are constructed well and giving you the desired results.  

Whenever Google announces (or doesn’t) that it’s about to do a refresh, the word Panda can cause widespread panic in the SEM industry. The introduction of the algorithm has certainly seen severity in the past, so it’s an obvious cause for concern. Luckily, the recent rollout of the not-so-cute algorithm seemed to pack a less than larger punch than expected. However, as with most Google updates, all is never as it seems, so if you’ve seen a recent dip in traffic or rankings, you could have been ‘hit’ by the giant. 

Our SEOHaus clients can be confident that your site rankings have remained steady. For those not with SEOHaus, be sure your AE has reviewed the rankings with your provider and are doing the necessary steps to ensure compliance. 

Panda 4.0 seemed to concentrate on more technical items, which goes to show just how much emphasis Google is placing on site quality and structure. It cares massively about the user experience, but it also wants its bots to be able to crawl and report back all the data it needs to understand who you are. After all, machines are reading the site, and machines read data and code. This is the backbone of all the sites built by CreativeHaus. During the planning and programming, we review:

*Precise URL Structure: Try navigating a site as a consumer. Can you get from one page to the next seamlessly? Can you get back to the homepage without having to click the ‘back button’? All of these items play a huge part in the overall user experience.

*Broken Links:  If your site is awash with broken links and consumers can see them, you can bet Google will find them, too. We trawl through and make sure the necessary cleanup is performed before any site is ever launched.

*Duplicate Content: Google can’t stand duplicate content and sees it as nothing more than a waste of time for the user. That’s why your internet team uses a program designed to pick up all pages and searches the internet for any matches and maintains a very low match %. 

The competition is tough out there, so you need to make sure you’re ahead of the game and that your site delivers everything it should to the “big G”. As we continue to enhance our internet support, we feel confident you can achieve the presence needed to grow your business via the internet. 

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