Do Promotional Items Really Work?

promotional products

A friend recently shared a story that stuck about his parents receiving a paring knife many, many years ago (at least 30 and maybe more) as a promotional gift from their rural electric cooperative. He inherited this favorite knife that was still in great shape these many years later. Of course, his late parents are what he thinks about first whenever he uses their favorite knife, but he also thinks about that electrical cooperative with positive thoughts for giving him the great memory and knife. This story is just one example of why Duffy Marketing believes in the power of quality promotional products.

Some important numbers

Custom promotional products have been looked at as a cost-effective marketing tool for many years. In fact, take a look at these tidbits from recent research:

  • Eight out of 10 consumers have one or more promotional products.
  • In six out of 10 cases the product is kept for up to two years.
  • A large majority (85%) of people do business with the advertiser after receiving a promotional item.
  • A whopping 89% of consumers can remember the advertiser’s name even two years after receiving a promotional product.

Why a promotional product campaign is the right choice

Let’s go beyond the raw numbers we just talked about. There are many reasons for your company to choose promotional products as part of its marketing strategy.

  • Promotional products lead to brand recognition. If your company has a logo or mascot the consumer will be reminded of it every time they pick up that coffee mug, pen, or letter opener.
  • It’s really just another form of a business card. The difference is you don’t have to deliver a promotional product in person. The giveaways should have your contact information just as business cards do, but if you’ve chosen the right product the consumers will use it daily. Most business cards end up stuffed in a drawer and never looked at again.
  • Anyone can do it. Some advertising campaigns are so expensive they just don’t make sense for small companies. The manufacturers of promotional products keep prices low to allow for mass distribution by companies of all sizes.

BEWARE – Don’t be cheap

There should always be a cost/benefit analysis but don’t cut corners by giving out an inferior product. Whether it’s a pen, a refrigerator magnet, or a keychain flashlight, make sure it does the job it’s intended to do because it can indirectly influence what they end up thinking about the quality of the company. My friend’s parents fell in love with that paring knife because it was sharp, easy to use, and made from quality materials. That’s why it’s still being used decades later. 

Can we talk?

Let Duffy Marketing show you how custom promotional products can be an affordable part of an overall marketing strategy. Who knows, maybe 30 years from now one of those promotional products will spark a phone call from a future client.