Don’t Check Out for Summer Vacation Yet Get Fall Marketing Underway

Fall Marketing

After the long, harsh winter experienced by most of the U.S., the Farmer’s Almanac is now predicting a hot, humid summer and everyone all across our industry is thrilled! That means it’s time to reap the rewards from your advertising efforts and put marketing aside for now right? No. You can’t put on the flip flops and check out for a summer vacation just yet!

It may sound crazy, but we have to talk about fall right now. Fall? Really? Yes, summer may be just getting started, but it’s time to begin planning fall marketing and getting campaigns underway for our best success. Your account representative will be covering the topics and finalize the approach your company plans to take in the upcoming quarter using some very important insight we’ve gained from marketing leaders and vendors with whom we collaborate.

For starters, it’s time to submit your orders for the 2015 annual customer calendars. By getting the order and artwork completed by June 13th, you receive a lucrative discount that makes this product a client and customer favorite.   

Now is also a great time to touch base with colleagues for valuable insight that may improve the timing of your fall marketing endeavors, such as their method for renewing maintenance agreements. We’ve recently added a great new process for thanking new clients, which is an important step to foster use of your company in the future. Additionally, how is appreciation shown to ongoing customers to further enhance their future contact? One of Duffy Marketing’s clients takes advantage of opportunities to show appreciation and even to diffuse an adversarial situation by taking a favorite drink and/or snack to the customer periodically. Flowers sent to mark an event are also a favorite method to show customers they matter.

Don’t let spring slide into fall without reviewing internally what areas need to be improved upon and where you’ve been in light of where you want to be. It’s said that a ‘failure to plan is a plan to fail.’ Put in the time now to make fall 2014 the most productive by getting the desired results!
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